UD Road Support
Whatever happens, we’re by your side
Our mechanics continually upgrade their knowledge at our service networks to ensure reliable services. Our expert service technicians perform precise maintenance on UD cars utilizing specialized equipment, diagnostic computers, and high-quality UD Genuine Parts.
With UD Service Planning, we establish a maintenance schedule tailored to the exact specifications and circumstances of your vehicles, ensuring uptime from the day they arrive at your firm.
We are just a phone call away. Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we’ll never let you down.
Fast and fully equipped teams
Our responsive team will be ready to help, reaching you quickly in our dedicated UD Service Vehicles*, fully outfitted with UD Trucks tools, diagnostic and quality UD Genuine Parts to set you right. *Excluding certain services and/or areas.
Parts Warranty
We know how it feels to experience unexpected technical issues on the road. With UD Road Support, convenience is right at your fingertips. Help is just a phone call away, always available in case of emergency.